Three days post fast and I believe more compliments have been tossed my direction regarding my glow and general energy than have come my way this year together.  It is a pleasure to receive the compliments for certain but more of a pleasure to feel this way.  I truly do feel amazing!

On the morning after, I made a two egg omelet with avocado and tomato with a side of arugula with olive oil and lemon juice.  It tasted so delicious and provided a ton of energy for the day.  For lunch I bought sashimi at Whole Foods and took it to work.  Super delicious with more energy giving benefits.

I had a half a cup of coffee with oatmeal yesterday morning and had my suspicions confirmed . . . coffee and me should not mix.  I have had issues with a cyst on my left breast for about fifteen years.  Caffeine exacerbates breast cysts, causing them to grow and become painful.  While on my fast, I experienced no breast pain.  Yesterday, I had a few sips of coffee and the shooting pains returned.  And how I LOVE coffee!!!  I don’t drink much of it – just a few sips from a half a cup with almond milk in the morning and that’s it.

So, I am going to have to break up with coffee.  Perhaps we will see each other once in a while but it will always be a painful goodbye.  Sorry coffee.  Hello Yerba Mate tea . . .

So, I did something stupid.  The day after I went off of the fast, I had dinner with a friend in the Los Angeles Farmer’s Market at Monsieur Marcel.  They have une Salade Avec Poulet that is so divine I just had to have one.  Well, you can’t have dinner there without wine . . .  I had two glasses of Marcel’s Bordeaux and I know that was just plain dumb after clearing out my system but I did it anyway.  The next morning I had a raging hangover.  I mean it was epic.  It lasted all day long.  Lesson learned.

So, wine, I am not breaking up with you all together but we are going to have to see a whole lot less of each other.  I mean it has been a lot of fun and all.  You have really shown me a good time over the years but this abusive attitude the morning after when all the fun is over has got to stop.  Also, you make me gain weight because I have to eat lots of food when I hang out with you.  You just do.  You make me hungry for more tortilla chips and charcuterie and I have absolutely no will power when brie is on the table.  Wine, well, I hope you understand.  I love you but I love me more 😉

So now, I am still eating lots of salads and loving them.  I have had some chicken, fish and eggs but no red meat as of yet.  I have a lot more energy and feel like I could work out again.  I did not feel like working out at all during the fast.

Many people report tons of energy during a juice fast but  not me.  I talked to my doctor today.  He suggested I get tested for a vitamin D deficiency.  I told him I make sure to get at least twenty minutes of sun a day for that.  He says as you age it is not usually enough.  He told me about a website where I could become a part of a study call Grass Roots  I will be checking into that and getting on another omega 3 supplement.  I am also taking B complex with Macro Greens.  They have definitely helped with energy.  Additionally, I think it’s time to get tested for diabetes.  Though I am super careful about sugar, it does run like wildfire through my father’s side of the family so we will see.

Health and healing is a never ending journey for me.  I am ok with that.  I have dedicated my life to forward this movement since I was fifteen years old when I took my first psychology class.  I have been fascinated ever since.  I always say that if you’re here to be a healer, you’re going to be given things to heal.  My deepest wish is that my path helps you do the same.

For more on living a Delicious and Healthy Life, see my website