It’s all over the internet. Everywhere you look where there’s any mention of gluten free products or cookbooks or anything gluten free, it’s always the same thing. It has been bugging me for a long while and now I am just going to say it.

Why does everything that’s gluten free have to be a baked goods like breads, cookies, pizza doughs, cakes and all those sugar laden “treats” that if we eat them every day, we will continue to have intestinal problems and quite possibly diabetes and/or cancer over the long haul? What about breakfast lunch and dinner? What are we supposed to eat then?

I speak for the hundreds of choices of fruits, vegetables and meats of the world with all the delicious savory spices to prepare them with that add flavor. We can combine the multitude of ingredients in thousands of ways to make tasty, delicious and healthy foods.

More and more information is coming out about sugar and nutritionally depleted gluten free flour mixes and their links to cancer and diabetes. I don’t suggest we take our fun foods away but let us make them a background choice rather than the main one.

Eighteen years ago when I went gluten free to save my health, there weren’t that many choices available. What was around did not taste that great. I lost 25 pounds and made a miraculous recovery. Today, I hear people in my audiences say they gained weight on ther gluten free diets trying to replace their excessive bread, cake and cookie habits with gluten free options.

Eat veggies! Eat fruits! Eat responsibly farmed meats and seafood! Get healthy and be Delicious! Then, once in a while, eat a cookie or two – maybe a piece of cake. Let your body heal by giving it the best you can.

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