I was in the kitchen at Whole Foods Market in West Hollywood, California preparing to teach a class when an angel floated in. She bestowed two huge bags full of her culinary gifts for me to sample, gave me a heartfelt hug and left. I was excited. I love food and presents and she had delivered both!
The angel in the kitchen was Susan O’Brien, the owner of Hail Merry raw food products. It’s a Dallas, Texas based company with some of the best products I have ever tasted in the gluten free, raw, vegan world of foodstuffs.
Her “Grawnola” is scrumptious! She dehydrates the nuts (after soaking them in filtered water to release the enzymes), seeds and gluten free oats then mixes them with pure cane sugar and cinnamon. This is a great morning cereal or snack to take with you where ever you go.
Other treats she provided included gluten free macaroons, chili spiced pecans and lemon thyme pecans. All were extremely well balanced in their flavors. She certainly knows what she is doing in the kitchen!
The most impressive of all her gifts to me were her gluten and dairy free Merry’s Miracle Chocolate Tarts. I have had numerous raw food chocolate desserts and have made many of them myself. These were, by far, the best I have tried. In fact, her tart won in the Natural Foods Expo West for best new product out of, are you ready for this? – thirty six hundred entries! Yeah, they are that good!
Now available in most Whole Foods Markets around the country, you can get her delicious treats too. Or, order online by clicking here.
Many thanks to Susan O’Brien and her angelic treats. Even if you are not into raw foods, try them. They are far better than most cooked foods I have had!