by megh | Nov 5, 2022 | youtube
Why you should watch — Quantum leap your health by making this one change. Healing illness and pain in the body requires a specific approach – especially if you have been through abuse, neglect, or trauma. Trauma and illness are indelibly linked through...
by megh | Apr 28, 2022 | youtube
Why you should watch — What is the body mind and how does it keep secrets? In this video, Dr. Meg Haworth discusses the concept of the body mind and how adverse experiences and their emotional fallout can impact the physical body over time. She talks about the...
by megh | Apr 22, 2022 | youtube
Why you should watch — The body always remembers what you are trying to forget is a phrase that Dr. Meg Haworth finds herself saying almost daily to her clients and students. She has studied the concept that the muscles hold memories from past experiences and...