by megh | Aug 8, 2024 | youtube
Why you should watch — Having a narcissistic parent can create a ton of stress in your life – for all of your life. One of the primary processes you will go through in your healing is that of grieving the loss of the parent you had always hoped you would...
by megh | May 18, 2024 | youtube
Why you should watch — Narcissistic personality disorder is a shame-driven disorder. As a result, narcissistic parents project their shame on everyone around them. In this video, Dr. Meg Haworth discusses the role of shame in narcissism and what you can do with...
by megh | Dec 15, 2023 | youtube
Why you should watch — No contact with your narcissistic parent doesn’t work? You ask. In this video learn why it doesn’t and what it takes for it to work for you. Watch Now! ONLINE COURSE: Healing the Five Primary Wounds Of Parental...