Healing The Shame Spiral from Parental Narcissistic Abuse

Healing The Shame Spiral from Parental Narcissistic Abuse

Why you should watch — Narcissistic parents project their shame onto everyone close to them. This is very damaging for you as the ACON (adult child of a narcissist). You have been conned into believing so many things about yourself that aren’t true and...
What To Do When You Can’t Stop Beating Yourself Up

What To Do When You Can’t Stop Beating Yourself Up

Why you should watch — You are so hard on yourself. You beat yourself up on almost a daily basis. It is so normal to you and you have no idea how it is affecting you until someone points it out to you. Beating yourself up is self-harm. Plain and simple. To stop...
How The Body Remembers Abuse

How The Body Remembers Abuse

Why you should watch — The body remembers abuse differently than the mind does. The body-mind is different from the mind-body connection. The body has a mind of its own. In this video, Dr. Meg Haworth shares how the body remembers abuse, examples of how this...
What is An Emotional Hangover?

What is An Emotional Hangover?

Why you should watch — Have you ever awakened with a hangover but didn’t have any alcohol to drink the night before? It could be an emotional hangover. In this video, Dr. Meg Haworth shares what an emotional hangover is, three types of emotional hangovers,...