Get Well Now Book
This book busts the myth that chronic illness is a sentence to a lifelong struggle of managing symptoms that won’t ever heal. In it, Dr. Meg shares her story of overcoming over a dozen illnesses and traumas including details about being struck by lightning and her long recovery. Dr. Eric Zielinski, the best-selling author of The Healing Power of Essential Oils, describes this book like this; “Dr. Meg clearly and cleverly lays out a solution – a roadmap anyone can follow – by making simple diet changes, implementing proven mind-body techniques and adopting strategies to reach balance in life!” This book is packed with solutions for total wellness. It’s a must-have for your self-health shelf!

Get Well Now Cookbook
These easy, healthy and delicious recipes contain the basics you will need to make your food plan for the week. This recipe book is the companion cookbook for Dr. Meg’s best-selling book, Get Well Now; Healing Yourself with Food and the Power of The Mind. Every recipe is gluten free and dairy free. From Pan Seared Salmon to Lemon Mint Pistachio Pesto, some of the most requested dishes by her celebrity chef clients are in this digital companion cookbook.

21 Days to Healthy Eating
Are you puzzled by healthy eating and how to do it? Do you want to get well, feel better, lose weight, reverse aging, and prevent or heal chronic disease? If you want any of those things, all the evidence is pointing towards choosing and making your own food as the very best way to prevent and heal illness while having the very welcome side effects of anti aging, weight loss and more energy. In this 21 day online program you will receive a new recipe card each day and the leading edge advice on all things healthy to help you do this at the lowest prices with the least amount of effort. You get lots of bonuses in this program and a gigantic bang for your buck. You only have weight to lose and health to gain so join this revolution now!

In this first of its kind cookbook, Meg Haworth, Ph.D. offers 14 days of gluten and dairy free recipes; breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert with shopping lists, tips and product picks to help those who want to or have to change their diets overnight due to Celiac disease, allergies and a myriad of other intestinal and systemic illnesses. A 15 year veteran of gluten and dairy free living, Dr. Meg healed over a dozen illnesses in her own body. She is the first video chef featured in a mainstream venue cooking gluten and dairy free on Eat, Drink, or Die.com.

In this first of its kind cookbook, Meg Haworth, Ph.D. offers 14 days of gluten and dairy free recipes; breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert with shopping lists, tips and product picks to help those who want to or have to change their diets overnight due to Celiac disease, allergies and a myriad of other intestinal and systemic illnesses. A 15 year veteran of gluten and dairy free living, Dr. Meg healed over a dozen illnesses in her own body. She is the first video chef featured in a mainstream venue cooking gluten and dairy free on Eat, Drink, or Die.com. Download immediately.

Finally, a guide that can assist the gluten and dairy food allergic in what to order while dining out. Find out what to eat in an Italian, Mexican , Indian or other restaurants. Also, learn the questions to ask to avoid a food reaction so you no longer have to react first and ask questions later.

Thrive Market is the first socially conscious online marketplace offering the world’s best-selling natural and organic products at wholesale prices. Think Costco meets Whole Foods online.

Essential fatty acids are necessary to brain, nervous system, skin, and organ health. Americans are tragically depleted in these EFA’s resulting in lowered IQ’s, lowered immune function and high inflammation which is at the root of all disease. Dr. Meg used this high quality brand, Zinzino, out of Sweden to heal her brain and nervous system injuries after being struck by lightning. They dramatically and quickly healed the muscle and nerve pain and sharpened her focus from an injured brain. She found that it hydrated her skin, strengthened her hair, nails, and immune system (not even a cold since she started taking them). Other brands, especially those in capsule form are typically rancid and will actually harm you. This brand is, by far, the best and most effective in the world.