Fear is at an all time high. With the uncertainty of the world we are living in, doubt and fear are ever present emotions.
Fear is necessary to help us set boundaries and calculate risks. It’s not good when it courses through you every single day for long periods of time.
What does fear do to the body over time?
Well, it drains it of its precious energy which can eventually affect your biology.
Dr. Meg Haworth has been working with the connection between long standing emotions and beliefs and how they affect the physical body for two decades.
She developed a technique that helps you heal this vital connection by reaching the subconscious beliefs and their connected emotions.
She uses her technique on clients worldwide and certifies coaches, therapists, healers, practitioners, and entrepreneurs in this technique to gain freedom from emotions and beliefs that just may be making them sick.
The emotional root cause of illness is just as important to uncover as the physical ones. In this live and FREE online workshop, learn to release some of the fear and doubt that may be draining you.
Whole Person Integration Technique™ is a limiting core belief and emotional release process created by Dr. Meg Haworth to heal from past difficult experiences that became held in the body.
It is a rapid acting healing modality that will help you to:
- Identify negative core beliefs you are not aware of.
- Gain deeper insight into your own healing pathway.
- Release stuck or blocked emotional energy that’s holding you back in your life.
- Understand how emotions and beliefs became manifested in your body from the past.
- Replace negative beliefs and emotions with empowered thoughts and feelings.
- Heal specific patterns and long-standing issues within your whole system.
- Open your intuitive abilities to gain clarity, purpose, and more empowered energy.
- Lessen the situations that used to trigger you as your reality begins to change.
This series of FREE workshops with Dr. Meg Haworth are designed to help you on your pathway to healing the relationship between past difficulties and how they’ve affected your entire system, particularly your body.
*Dr. Meg Haworth is a doctor of Transpersonal Psychology. She is not a medical doctor and does not make claims that she can diagnose, treat, or cure any illness. For more information, please see her disclaimer.