I was at Rainbow Acres in Marina Del Rey with a dear friend today. She suggested I try Nana’s Gluten Free Cookies. Her cookies are also fruit sweetened, egg and dairy free. Being a chocolate fiend, I chose the “Chocolate Crunch Cookie”. Here is what I thought.
I like the big, individually wrapped cookie concept with the bright yellow and purple wrapper. The “O” in “NO” has a line through it with a drawing of a shaft of wheat. I thought, “clever”. When I bit into the soft cookie, I immediately noticed the grainy texture of the flour. That’s a big deal to me after nearly two decades of trying gluten free baked goods. It doesn’t have to be grainy.
The flavor was nice. I really liked the crunch of the chocolaty rice and the richer flavor contained in that puffy rice crunch. It was like they added cocoa puffs to the recipe – without the nasty sugar content.
Over all, I enjoyed this cookie. It was satisfying and great to eat after a simple lunch of tuna salad and a veggie juice. I liked that I only had to buy one big cookie. It’s nice not to have to commit to an entire box of them (for a number of reasons.)
As always, I recommend limited sweets, even ones that are fruit sweetened and especially gluten free ones with the high sugar content of rice flour, tapioca and potato starches. I would never say never to sugar unless you know it will do serious damage to you. Once in a while, go for it. Enjoy a delicious treat and as for Nana’s, I recommend it as a healthier alternative to a lot of the products out there that are aiming mainly for taste and not nutrition. This brand cares. That’s my impression.
For more information on Nana’s, click here
The Chocolate cookie is awful. The taste and texture is terrible. The only way it was tolerable was to slather chocolate icing all over it. My wife said I should email the company. I would but I don’t want them sending me a free one.
I love how different each person’s palate is! I have been off traditional gluten and dairy foods for almost two decades. My taste buds have been dramatically changed. Now, I could taste a chocolate cookie with wheat in it and spit it out for all it’s sugar, preservatives and that pesky roof of the mouth coating cheap shortening used in most cookies. Have you been gluten free long? Thanks so much for your post. Every opinion counts!