They say every cloud has a silver lining and for me, that is a literal truth. I have survived a number of tragedies in my life including death by drowning. In all of the difficulties that life has handed me, I have found that looking on the bright side and taking up residence there is how to overcome them. I am a firm believer in processing the sadness, fear, pain and challenges of life. If you don’t that always catches up with you somehow. But, finding peace within it all is what heals you. For me, that is the crux of human evolution. That is true love.
So, what’s the silver lining of being struck by lightning last week? Well, the obvious one is that my dear friend Bird and I walked away from it. In fact, we ran immediately after, screaming for the lifeguard to assist the lifeless man in his fifties on the beach in front of us. Adrenaline was our friend in that moment and I pray with all of my heart that the man we helped will one day find his silver linings too.
Miracles happened that day and have continued over this first week. The first and most obvious was the immediate healing of my sinus infection. One of the reasons I went to the beach that day was to breathe in the salt air to help the congestion and pain in my sinuses. I still take the Chinese herbal remedy that my OMD prescribed just in case a few bugs remain but for all intents and purposes, the lightning zapped the bugs right out. Bird referred to it as, “The Perks of Electrocution”. Dang, laughter heals.
When I went to my primary care physician on Wednesday for follow up, she did a number of neuro muscular tests on me. Thankfully, she was a physical therapist before becoming a doctor (another silver lining) and knew exactly what to look for. My upper body tested strong but when my lower body tested weak and she advised me against working until my brain could heal, I was saddened not to be able to work. I love my clients and I love providing their weekly diets. The silver lining here is that I have been able to do my favorite thing. I have been able to write. Now if I could just get my income from that as well, I would be thrilled!
The most shocking thing (pun intended) is something I never shared publicly. I was in the process of healing a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome that I received over a year ago. My style is to wait and share how I overcame something before I talk about it in a forum like this. I was so close to healing it and I intend to write everything that I learned from my journey towards that in a later blog – or perhaps a book – but, I have to say, the lightning healed Fibromyalgia and hopefully Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (and if I could get some restful sleep from the lightning strike, then I will let you know).
Here’s what happened: When my doctor was doing her neuromuscular tests, she also did a trigger point test for Fibromyalgia. When she tested the points, I did not react to them at all. There was no pain. None. She said, I would say that you do not have Fibromyalgia. I shared that when my Rheumatologist did the tests over a year ago I was practically in tears when they were pressed. My doctor sat in front of me, mouth agape, speechless and staring at me for a good fifteen seconds. When she finally spoke, she said, “Looks like the lightning took care of that.” Bye-bye Fibromyalgia. Thank you lightning!
Perhaps the most important silver lining is the out pouring of love and support that I have received from friends, family and strangers all over the world. Most especially my family, most of whom are three thousand miles away. My sisters have been entertaining me with their relentless sarcastic lightning strike puns and expressing their concern every day. Last night, just before going to bed, my parents called me from Arlington, Virginia, from the house I was raised in just to say goodnight. They blew kisses to me over the phone and I felt like a little girl again.
I have firmly stated to my therapy clients, friends and family that the whole reason we are here on Earth is to learn the lessons of love. We do that through traversing the bumpy terrain of human, messy, crazy, fun, exciting, heart breaking and difficult love while moving towards the pure unconditional love of the Divine, Universal love. For me, the silver lining of that particular cloud was finding the love in the lightning bolt that day . . . and the search continues.
Dr. Meg Haworth, Ph.D. is a private chef to the stars in Hollywood, cookbook author, instructor at Whole Foods Markets and wellness coach. You can find her on the web at or email her at for menu plans tailored to your needs for food allergies, healing diets for specific conditions and healthy weight loss. For her cookbook, click here.