I got a call from the fraud department of my bank today. I thought they were freaked out that I pulled a bunch of money out of my savings the other day but, no. That was not it.
The chipper gal at the bank informed me that some “unusual activity” had been encountered. She said; “Fifty cents was used at a Red Lobster in Florida.” I burst out laughing and said; “Honey, I am a chef and I admit a food snob at that. I don’t eat there on my own accord.”
She went on to say; “Another twenty five was spent at a Sizzler Steak House in Orlando.” More laughter spilled out of me. I said; “The least they could have done on my dime was eat at a Ruth’s Chris Steak House.” This time we both laughed hard.
Hi jacking a bank card is not laughing matter. For that matter, neither is eating at Sizzler or Red Lobster. I am just grateful that was all it was.
If you do want a delicious flank steak with pomme frittes and a side of sauteed garlic spinach from a mostly organic place with great wine, delicious food and fun decor, try one of my favorite Los Angeles Hang outs by clicking here.
The moral of the story is; Eat well, no matter whose dime it’s on 🙂