Holistic wellness solutions for hair and scalp
I admit I am pretty clueless when it comes to hair. As girls, we learn a lot from our mothers but the only beauty regimen my scientist mom had was wrestling with fine, thin hair and daily applications of fire engine red lipstick. Other than that, she didn’t wear any make up and never, ever applied nail polish. She cuts, dyes, and curls her own hair and doesn’t know much about hair products. She’s a beautiful woman who didn’t care much for makeup. Her priorities just didn’t include the girly things.
As a wellness coach and natural health advocate for chronic illness sufferers who were abused as children (and there is a link through the ACE Study), I search for tips that help people lower their toxic load by getting as close to how nature intended things as possible. So, when I have a beauty question or want to know what a product is for and why I should use it, I consult my dear friend and celebrity hair stylist Billy Lowe, owner of Gloss & Toss® hair products delivering red carpet hair to customers everywhere.
Billy Lowe has been quoted in nearly every major magazine from Cosmopolitan to Elle and has appeared all over television from KTLA news to the Hallmark Channel. He has played in the crowns of some of the top celebrities in Hollywood and has been cutting my hair for over a decade now. He’s the best hairstylist I’ve ever found. So, I asked him about our beauty routines and we discussed things like how our natural oils contribute to healthy hair, and if the antiquated idea of 100 strokes of brushing hair that grandma used to talk about is really a thing. Here is what he said:
“I’ve always believed healthy hair starts with a healthy scalp”. When oil is secreted, it stays at the scalp area because it doesn’t have a way to travel to the ends. So, often the ends become dry, brittle, and prone to breakage or damage. Therefore, when we shampoo we feel that the ends of our hair aren’t as healthy as the rest. I suggest brushing your hair once a week when it’s dry from scalp to ends, so that we distribute the natural oils from the scalp down to the ends. In doing so, the ends are more protected.
Using the Gloss & Toss® detangle brush in this way helps create a more natural hair treatment and can help you condition your hair with your body’s own natural oils because the brush helps distribute those oils down to the ends that often need that extra moisture boost.
Billy recommends brushing hair the night before you’re going to shampoo, but in a very specific way. “I encourage clients to brush hair when it’s dry, very thoroughly once a week just prior to shampooing. In doing so, you’re bringing the natural oils of the scalp area down to the ends so that the strands of our hair are more evenly coated (or protected). So, if you’re washing your hair on Friday morning for example, Thursday evening is a great time to do your dry brushing to get the oils working to condition the hair. Do you have to brush those 100 strokes? No! Just gently brush the hair a number of times being sure that you are massaging and reaching the scalp area as this is where oil production begins in hair care.”
And speaking of massage. Massaging the scalp area is also great because it stimulates circulation and helps detoxify the body, and also helps exfoliate the scalp area allowing healthier results in hair and scalp care.
Having a loved one massage your scalp and brush your hair is great way to connect and enjoy the sensual experience of keeping your scalp healthy and then you can trade and create a fun ritual with your partner. It’s also a beautiful way to give yourself loving care while doing something good for you.
If you have a dry scalp, you may notice flaking, itching and sometimes discomfort. Working with a naturopath to help you with additional oil treatments can be beneficial. People with dry scalp should avoid hot showers because hot water can cause more dryness and irritation.
“In all of this, don’t overdo it.” Billy says finally. “So many people think more is better and they cake on oils and conditioning treatments and leave them on for days at a time without letting hair and scalp breathe. Take it easy and give hair and scalp a break once in a while.”
As a nutritional chef and wellness coach, I myself always recommend using foods rich in omega-3 essential fatty acids to support the body in its moisture balance. High fat plant-based foods can assist you in stimulating oil production. High doses of high quality fish oil, avocados, coconut oil, pasture raised organic eggs, cacao butter, nuts and seeds can all help in generating more healthy oils from the inside out.
Billy Lowe is a celebrity hair stylist in Beverly Hills and is the founder of Gloss & Toss® Hair Care. Gloss & Toss is a celebrated hair care brand used behind the scenes on some of Hollywood’s hottest sets and loved by customers around the world. Visit glossandtoss.net for great hair care options and the convenience of shopping online.
Dr. Meg Haworth is a wellness coach specializing in holistic wellness for abuse survivors with chronic illnesses. To take the Adverse Childhood Experiences quiz to assess your risk and come up with a plan for your total wellness, go to www.meghaworth.com