First cold pressed, extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) has incredible healing properties for the body. It can prevent the formation of and even purge gall stones from the gallbladder. It has a balance of essential fatty acids that bring brilliant health to the skin, hair, stomach and intestines. Consuming 2 tablespoons of raw EVOO a week can help in the prevention of colon cancer. Don’t shy away from the fat content when you read it on the label. These are good fats that the body needs for health. The body processes these essential fatty acids to your benefit.
A word to the wise:
Be careful which type of olive oil you buy. Pay a little extra for first cold pressed EVOO. It is the best with the least amount of processing. Light olive oil does not mean less calories and therefore it is better, it means that the olives have been pressed and pressed then pressed again until there’s very little flavor and not nearly as much nutrition left.
If you want to learn about how olive oil can help you cleanse gallstones, e-mail Dr. Meg at .
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