These tiny little cabbages stirred my gag reflex like no other food when I was a child. I waited until I was over 40 to try them again – fresh, that is. One bite and I was hooked. They are amazing fresh and bitter frozen so only eat the fresh ones.
Brussels sprouts are in the same family as the best leafy greens on the planet – kale, collard greens, kolrabi and broccoli. They are rich in vitamins A, C and folic acid and have been linked with the prevention of colon cancer. They contain a powerful anti-cancer compound called sulforaphane that stir frying and steaming don’t seem to diminish, however, boiling does.
A word to the wise:
Brussels sprouts contain small amounts of the compound goitrin which can interfere with thyroid function. Not to worry, though, you would need to eat a massive amount for this to occur. Their health benefits far outweigh any risks.
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