Last week I taught a class at Whole Foods Market, Los Angeles where I sampled a delicious dairy free (casein free) almond milk “eggnog” – the best I ever tried!  It’s by Califia Farms and they call it Holiday Nog.  It’s organic and non-GMO (though they have not been approved to officially say that yet . . .).

This morning I mixed this fabulous almond eggnog with Mexican coffee and it was AMAZING!  Mexican coffee is easy – simply add cocoa powder, cayenne pepper, chili powder and cinnamon to your ground coffee, brew, add Califia Almond Holiday Nog and enjoy!Try it and let me know what you think!With Love and Deliciousness!

eggnog califia farms

Dr. Meg Haworth, Ph.D. is a private chef to the stars in Hollywood, cookbook author, instructor at Whole Foods Markets and wellness coach. You can find her on the web at or email her at for menu plans tailored to your needs for food allergies, healing diets for specific conditions and healthy weight loss. For her cookbook, click here.
