I realize I did not post for day nine and it was THE BEST day! I felt so much energy and clarity and was super happy and excited. I started a new chef job that day that went very well so that had something to do with it but I largely attribute it to something, well, personal.
A dear friend reminded me of something I knew from my days in naturopathy school a dozen years ago but had conveniently forgotten – when you cleanse, you need to cleanse the whole system. Juicing is not enough and that bowel cleansing was also called for. I know this is a tricky subject but I have to share what happened. So, here goes . . .
Natural medicine teaches that all diseases start in the bowels. The cleaner you keep your system and the more you keep it moving regularly, the better. When I was in naturopathy school, we had to try the natural treatments that we were learning about so we could see how they worked in our own bodies. I loves this approach as we know how well experience teaches us! I read that bowel wash enemas of two cups of warm water in an enema bag helps to dramatically relieve sinus headaches. When I was in school, I used to get those headaches a lot so I tried this treatment and it worked!!! It worked so well that I used that for years until I no longer got those headaches.
For this fast, my friend suggested a colonic to help move out the old waste. I did not have any time in my schedule for that so instead, I did an enema of warm water at home. I immediately felt GREAT! I was lighter and had more energy and by the next morning, the muscle fatigue I got climbing the stairs and the headaches were gone! I felt amazing! That was day nine.
This morning was a different story. I didn’t have the muscle fatigue but had a headache that I have had all day. Darnit! I do think the headache is more stress related from being very worried about my sick and elderly cat. But that’s another story . . .
So, in the next couple of days, I will figure out how much this whole thing cost me and share the comparison to how much I was spending on food to see if my thoughts about juicing being more expensive than what I was already doing is a big myth or not. I am interested to see that!
I am so glad I did this fast. It taught me so much. Going forward, I will be juicing more often and sharing it with others more. I am looking forward to a full meal but am truly amazed that I was not dieing for one the whole time I was doing this. In fact, I didn’t want other things to eat (except tortilla chips the fourth day- oddly). Joe said that what you crave during the fast is the worst thing for you. Darn! I eat those a whole lot. Moderation . . .
Stay tuned! There’s more – like how I do when I return to animal proteins, nuts, seeds and sweet potatoes.
For more on living a Delicious and Healthy Life see www.deliciousandhealthy.com