by megh | Nov 17, 2014 | Uncategorized
Pumpkin is everywhere! I don’t know about you but I never seem to get tired of it this time of year. It says autumn, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, family and all things festive. As the country cools way down to a frigid chill, this pumpkin soup will...
by megh | Nov 3, 2014 | Uncategorized
Last week I taught a class at Whole Foods Market, Los Angeles where I sampled a delicious dairy free (casein free) almond milk “eggnog” – the best I ever tried! It’s by Califia Farms and they call it Holiday Nog. It’s organic and...
by megh | Oct 26, 2014 | almond milk, casein free, cinnamon, coconut, dairy allergy, dairy free, delicious, Desserts, food allergies, gluten free, Uncategorized
My dear friend Keri Newell came over today to bake with me. We did a couple of recipes and this one came out the best. We were, happy, impressed and full after one fiber packed, sweet, delicious muffin. I wanted to share this with you as soon as possible since...
by megh | Oct 17, 2014 | Uncategorized
Last week I had the great fortune to hear a lecture from Dr. Paul Clayton, a Fellow of the Institute of Food, Brain and Behavior at Oxford University. He has extensively studied the effects of food as medicine for the body and conversely, how foods can poison us to...
by megh | Sep 25, 2014 | Uncategorized
One month and nine days after I was struck by lightning on Venice Beach, California, I went back to my primary care physician for a follow up appointment. I had not worked for an entire month because I could not stand for very long or walk very far without feeling as...
by megh | Sep 17, 2014 | allergic reactions, almond milk, blueberries, chia seeds, dairy allergy, do not eat, food allergies, genetically modified organisms, hemp seeds, protein powders, toxic metals, Uncategorized, whey protein, Whole Foods Market
Sometimes I just get a feeling in my gut that something is not healthy. Sometimes that feeling is very strong and others, it’s a tiny warning. In the case of protein powders, it was a strong feeling. I never wanted to use them and I couldn’t really...