Why Does a Narcissist Punish You?
Why you should watch -- Punishment is a primary tool of narcissistic parents, mates, friends, and bosses. If you are the target of narcissistic abuse, punishment will be a big part of their treatment of you. In this video, Dr. Meg Haworth shares why narcissists punish...

Why Does It Take So Long To See That My Parent Is A Narcissist?
Why you should watch -- Narcissistic parents are sometimes not that easy to detect. It can be hard to see their behaviors and how that have affected you for a number of reasons. In this video I will share with you why it's hard to see your parent this way, why it...

Healing the Self-Worth Wound for Women Entrepreneurs with Narcissistic or Toxic Family Dynamics
As women entrepreneurs, we already face the many challenges of running a business—balancing strategy, execution, sales, marketing, accounting, and leadership. But for some of us, there’s an additional, often invisible, hurdle: the inner wound of self-worth. If you’ve...

Five Ways to Release Yourself from Perfectionism for Women Entrepreneurs
As a woman entrepreneur, the drive to succeed can often be accompanied by an overwhelming need to be perfect. You may feel as if every aspect of your business, from your products and services to your marketing and even the way you present yourself, must be flawless to...

7 Weight Loss Myths Busted So You Can Finally Get to Your Ideal Self
I don’t think I need to tell you that dieting doesn’t work and that’s why you can’t seem to lose the weight you’d like to. I think we all have a good idea of what is being said in mainstream culture about losing weight and we are thoroughly confused by what we should...