A native of Washington, DC turned Los Angeleno, Dr. Meg Haworth is a trailblazer who shifts clients into healthy, strong, vibrant, and whole individuals ready to live inspired and meaningful lives using mind body medicine, nutrition and transpersonal psychology.
She knows firsthand what it is like to lose her health as a survivor of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse as a child, healing over a dozen illnesses (including fibromyalgia & IBS), the traumas of drowning and being struck by lightning have all made her into powerful force of healing like no other.
As a child, she had a natural intuitive gift that she has honed into laser focus with extensive training and experience.
She quickly helps her clients get to the root of how their past is affecting their present. She learned how to access the body-mind – the part of you remembers and stores experiences in its own particular way – that’s often opposite to how your conscious mind remembers them.
Your body holds the keys to your wellness, and Dr. Meg can help you find them.
Dr. Meg’s own proven mind-body medicine process, Whole Person Integration Technique, has assisted thousands of people to gain clarity, vibrant health, and resolution of difficult past experiences.
Dr. Meg has witnessed diseases disappear, surgeries no longer needed, and loves to play in what she calls “the realm of miracles.” Her technique is available in two versions: one you do on yourself (available on the home page when you sign up for her newsletter and receive your free gifts) or in sessions one on one worldwide.
Dr. Meg Haworth has been featured on NBC Nightly News, The Huffington Post, The Los Angeles Times, Hayhouse Radio, The Mindshare Summit conference stage, and numerous online summits and podcasts.
She has authored 8 books including Done with Dairy. Giving up Gluten; 14 Days to a Delicious and Healthy You and her recent best-seller, Get Well Now; Healing Yourself with Food and The Power of The Mind.
She hosts a podcast series on iTunes, Get Well Soon (available on the blog) and is available to speak at your conference, event, summit, or podcast.
Dr. Meg is also the founder of Lightning Women, a support group and movement for women abuse survivors with chronic illness. Send her an email to inquire about being a member or follow her on Instagram @thelightningwomen or @drmeghaworth.
The first step in healing yourself is to make a decision; a full on, nothing else will do kind of LIGHTNING POWER CHOICE.
From that all things will spring for you. Dr. Meg understands firsthand that healing happens when you take responsibility for it and THIS is when miracles occur.
Dr. Meg lives for taking people on the ride of their lives, inside themselves to Get Well Now.