I don’t think I need to tell you that dieting doesn’t work and that’s why you can’t seem to lose the weight you’d like to. I think we all have a good idea of what is being said in mainstream culture about losing weight and we are thoroughly confused by what we should and should not do. We are tired of the massive ups and downs and our clothes don’t fit anymore. We are told we can eat anything we want if we do these specific exercises that we will have to pay an expert thousands of dollars to obtain. In this article, I am going to nutshell what it takes in the U.S. (because our food standards as so low) to lose and maintain your weight.
I was a private chef and dietary advisor to celebrities in Hollywood for nearly fourteen years. I created healing diets for specific health conditions like cancer, Alzheimer’s, chronic yeast, and autoimmune diseases, and to keep actors trim and camera-ready without feeling like they were missing anything. I was the chef on staff who guided Michael Weatherly (NCIS & Bull) to a forty-pound weight loss to trim down to do a triathlon in two months. Sounds potentially unhealthy but he had a whole team assisting him in his training. My home-cooked food was his fuel. [Read the rest of the article here!]
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