Fat has been demonized over the last several decades.  We saw a rash of low fat foods that ended up making everyone fatter.  Why?  It’s because fats don’t make you fat, sugar (also known as carbohydrates) does.  Those “fat free” products were full of sugar in an effort to make up for the loss of flavor that fat typically provides.

We’ve been hearing a lot about essential fatty acids (EFA’s), but what are they and what foods have them?  EFA’s are the fats the body needs in order to be healthy – they are essential.  Every system of you body needs these fats, most especially the brain – the master computer for your body.

Your body needs a balance of Omega 3 and Omega 6 EFA’s.  Most people have far too much Omega 6 fat in their diets.  High amounts of Omega 6 fats cause inflammation and thus, diseases like cancer, heart disease, and diabetes – basically, all of the chronic diseases that are slowly killing Americans.

Here are five foods that are high in Omega 3 EFA’s that your body needs for your health.

Fish –  Fish is the best way to get your Omega 3’s.  The best sources include, wild salmon, mackerel, anchovies and sardines.  Many people use fish oil supplements.  Most of these contain rancid oils that produce inflammation in the body and make you sicker.  To test your fish oil supplement, poke a hole in the capsule.  If it smells like rotten fish, it is rancid and therefore detrimental to your health.  For the best fish oil anywhere, click here.

Avocados –  This fantastic fruit is so versatile you can use it to make fresh raw puddings or savory guacamole to top your turkey burgers with.  Avocados contain 20 vitamins and minerals, making it a healthy choice in addition to the fats and healthy plant compounds this green wonder contains.  The fat content is high in mono unsaturated fats with no cholesterol.  Avocados do not spike blood sugar levels and are an excellent choice for people with diabetes.

Avocados previously received a bad rap for being so “fattening”.  This is simply not true.  When combined with the proper foods like vegetables and organic meats, avocados will help make you thinner.

Eggs –  Be sure to eat the whole egg.  If you’re not eating the yolk because you think it will raise your cholesterol, guess again.  Your body needs cholesterol and eggs are one of the best sources for this substance.  Cholesterol makes up the myelin sheath, a sticky substance that covers the nerves and sends signals across the nerves from the brain to help you move and think.  This type of cholesterol is essential to your health and will not make you fat when eaten with vegetables.

Try having a side salad with your eggs in the morning.  The French do this.  It’s an excellent way to start your day.

Walnuts – This wonderful nut, when eaten raw contains high amounts of potassium, calcium and possesses antioxidant and anti inflammatory properties.  Walnuts have been show to assist in cardio vascular health, diabetes, cancer and memory.  The fat content of walnuts, while high, has been shown in studies to help reduce obesity, not cause it.

Walnuts are a delicious addition to salads, vegetable side dishes, quinoa, and to top hot cereals with.  Make a pesto with walnuts instead of pine nuts for a delicious twist on a classic recipe.

Flaxseeds – These wonder seeds are high in plant based Omega 3 EFA’s.  Besides that, their biggest claim to food fame is their fiber content.  If you have issues with constipation or Irritable Bowel Syndrome, a teaspoon of flax meal in your morning smoothie will be a big help in keeping you regular and it’s a wonderful alternative to the popular chemical laden fiber supplements on the market today.

Please purchase organic flaxseed meal or get the seeds and grind them yourself.  The seeds do not typically digest and will go right through you, missing the fiber and fatty acids altogether.  Add flaxmeal to salads or make a hot cereal out of it using boiling water then top it like you would oatmeal with berries, walnuts and almond milk.

You can make an amazing Omega 3 EFA dinner salad using mixed greens, wild salmon, walnuts, flaxmeal and avocados with fresh squeezed lemon on it.  You will feel amazing after a meal like this and your body will thank you for it.

Treat yourself well with high quality organic food, plenty of sleep and moderate exercise and include lots and lots of Omega 3 fatty foods for great health and stabilized weight!

For more information on what to eat to get well, go to www.meghaworth.com and schedule a complimentary chat with her. Also, when you sign up for her email list, you will get a free recipe book entitled “5 Anti-Inflammatory On-The-Go Lunch Recipes” plus access to her private community with up to date information on health and wellness.

Meg Haworth, Ph.D. is a Wellness Coach, Celebrity Chef, Author and Speaker and creator of Get Well Now, a one of a kind coaching program that helps people heal themselves with food and the power of the mind and heart. She also offers food coaching for people who know they need to change their diets for their health but they don’t know how in her program, What Celebrities Eat; Personalized Food Plan for Healthy Weight Maintenance.

Dr. Meg believes we have the ability to heal ourselves with food and the power of the mind and heart. Schedule a free chat with her to see how she may be able to help you!

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