I’ve been feeding celebrities in Hollywood for nearly a decade now.  I have seen food trends come and go and I have closely watched what works in their bodies to produce a healthy, camera ready glow, and trim body.  I have administered a number of different diets to them – all based on what they like and what their food restrictions are.  I have also created flavorful recipes just for them for things they never thought they could have again.  

After all the observation, rotating their diets, carefully planning their menus, and creating recipes, I have found that there are certain ways of eating that boost their glow, keep their energy up, and help them maintain weight.  Here they are:

1) A big supply of daily greens:  Greens are the best all around for all of us.  Some greens will work better for you than they do for others and that is what you have to figure out for yourself.  Do not skimp on the kale, spinach, arugula, chard, collards, mustard greens or baby field green salad mixes.  They are packed with nutrients from the perfection of nature.  Be certain to choose organic only!  The pesticides and herbicides found on greens will slowly poison you, disrupt organ and hormone functions, wear away at your nerves, and lead to chronic illnesses. Your body simply does not know what to do with synthetic chemicals.

You can prepare greens in so many different ways.  You can steam them, saute them, put them in a salad, in quinoa or rice dishes, egg dishes, green drinks, juices and smoothies.  There are MANY ways to get your greens so go green up your plate and add spices to make your palate happy.

2) Limited Amounts of Organic Meats:  Sorry to all you vegans out there.  I completely respect your diet and if it is working for you, great!  The thing is, scientifically, we are omnivores.  That means that we are meant to consume both plant and animal proteins.  Red meat, for instance, provides the best source of vitamin b and iron there is.  Fish & eggs provide the best sources of omega 3 essential fatty acids – EPA/DHA – that are necessary for brain and nervous system health.

I use organic meats only for my clients.  I suggest only 4-6 ounce servings and not at every meal.  I rotate, meat, chicken, fish, turkey and lamb so they get proteins from different sources.  I then make up creative dishes that keep their palates happy.

How meats are prepared are extremely important.  The very best preparation is stewing meats.  Slow cooked meats do not produce acrylamides, a by product of grilling that occurs when meat is charred.  It has long been known that this charring causes cancer.  So many of the reports that connected meat consumption to cancer were as a result of acrylamides, not the meat itself.  Of course, large amounts of meat are not a good idea either.  When I do grill or pan sear, I make sure I do not let it get black with char by lowering the cooking temperature.

Another great method of cooking meat is to bake it.  My clients particularly love baked fish with dairy free pesto, bruschetta, balsamic glaze, citrus sauces, or lemon & capers.  Simple dishes produce the greatest results.  It comes down to the flavors all mixing together in a perfect blend of culinary joy.

3) Unlimited vegetables:  I make huge portions of vegetable servings for my clients.  I always say to make vegetables the main event on your plate.  The combinations are endless.  Next time you’re in the grocery store, notice how big your produce section is.  It is full of all the nutrition you need to make you healthy and trim for the rest of your life.

You can mix so many different vegetables together in a saute or you can steam or roast them.  If you roast them, please be sure not to get them black.  Slow roasting at a lower temperature is better for you.  And, of course, salads are a great way to get all kinds of vegetables in one bowl with their healthy enzymes intact.  I tell my celebrity clients to top their salads with fresh lemon or lime juice for a healthy flavor.

4) Raw Nuts and Seeds:  I use large amounts of raw nuts and seeds in my client’s dishes.  You can throw raw walnuts into salads, quinoa, vegetable and meat dishes.   Just put them in last before you serve them.  Of course walnuts, pecans, almonds, cashews, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds make amazing snacks.  I make up trail mixes from the bulk food section just for them to take on set.  The healthy fats in nuts and seeds aid in digestion and assist brain health.

If you’ve ever wished you had personal access to a private celebrity chef and nutrition consultant, you have the opportunity to work directly with me.  If you’re tired of “diets” and struggling with your weight, health and being hungry ALL the time to meet the strict requests that will never work for you, here is the answer to your wishes.

What’s different about this program?:  You get step by step instructions, recipes developed just for you based on what you like, private access to a celebrity chef, and a free autographed copy of my cookbook with even more recipes and menu plans. Space is limited and so is the lowered introductory price that will go up October 1, 2015.

To read more about What Celebrities Eat; Personalized Food Plan for Healthy Weight Maintenance and schedule your FREE chat with Dr. Meg today, click here!

Meg Haworth, Ph.D. is a Wellness Coach, Celebrity Chef, Author and Speaker and creator of Get Well Now, a one of a kind coaching program that helps people heal themselves with food and the power of the mind and heart. She also offers food coaching for people who know they need to change their diets for their health but they don’t know how in her program, What Celebrities Eat; Personalized Food Plan for Healthy Weight Maintenance.

Dr. Meg believes we have the ability to heal ourselves with food and the power of the mind and heart. Schedule a free chat with her to see how she may be able to help you!


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